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Read The Local Regulations Before Making An Offer On A Property

By Raynor James

In modern America, many neighborhoods are organized as developments. Such developments often have rules and regulations that can be surprisingly restrictive.

Planned developments are all the rage these days in real estate. A developer doesn’t just build a bunch of homes any more. Now, they build an image of a particular type of living style. To maintain this image, the developments come with rules and regulations that can be very overbearing. If you fail to read them thoroughly before making an offer on a home, you may be in for a nasty surprise when you move in.

Rules and regulations for developments, known as homeowner association regulations, set out the specific things that can and cannot happen in a development. Issues covered range from changes that can be made to properties to issues such as landscaping. To the surprise of many homebuyers, these regulations can be incredibly restrictive.

Assume you have a hobby of growing roses. In fact, you have become an expert in growing them and who could really object to beautiful roses being grown in a yard? Well, you might be in for a surprise. Assume you move into a Spanish themed development. The roses do not really mesh with the Spanish theme. If you are unlucky, you may find that the regulations detail very specifically the type of plants that can be grown. If roses are not included in that list, you may be barred from growing yours. If you persist in doing so, you may actually be fined or have a court order entered against you!

On a more practical level, are you aware that many developments have severe restrictions regarding pets? If you own a pet, say a dog, that is a bit noisy, you may be in for a heartbreaking surprise. Many developments have clauses in their regulations that require residents to remove noisy pets from the development, to wit, you have to give fido away. Talk about an ugly surprise!

Many people like developments because they contain regulations designed to keep the neighborhood from falling apart or changing dramatically. While that is a noble goal, it is important to make sure the regulations will not actually keep you from being able to live comfortably in your home.

About the Author

Raynor James is a contributor to www.FSBOAmerica.org

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